Do plants sleep?

Can you be a little specific about your question @Vedikaa

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Some plants like phyllanthus close their leaves at sunset and rise again at sunrise…What could be the reason and is this their way of sleeping?
Do they sleep because they need energy?
Where do they need energy because they are not much motile? @bivasnag

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What is sleep according you? @Vedikaa


According to me it is a voluntary consciousness.It is a way of relaxing the mind and body as it reduces voluntary activity .
Though, I am not sure but it might be a way of remembering and paying even more attention to the day’s events through ‘dreams’

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I am also not sure but we can read from this paper Plant Circadian Rhythms - PMC this will tell us that why circadian rhythm is important in plants and why do majorly leaves fold? And do every plant have circadian rhythm? And what are the markers we need to see to say plant is undergoing circadian rhythm? @Vedikaa


I think all plants must go through circardian rhythm .
If any one plant needs sleep then others should too.
I’ll have to look for markers of circardian rhythm @bivasnag


Let’s look for markers other than folding and opening of leaves!
@Vedikaa @Vidyut @bivasnag @Vandana @madhavkaul…

  1. Cytosolic concentrations of free calcium have been shown to oscillate with a circadian rhythm in Arabidopsis. Considering the importance of calcium as both a secondary messenger and a cofactor for many enzymes, this might be a means by which the clock regulates a variety of cellular process.
  2. The clock regulates the phosphorylation of some proteins. The best-studies example is in Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi, which exhibits circadian activity of a kinase that phosphorlates phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase. At a higher level of organization, chloroplast movement is also regulated by the clock.
  3. Stomatal opening, Hypocotyls elongation, and cotyledon and leaf movements in Arabidopsis all show circadian rhythms. In Kalanchoe, petal opening shows a circadian rhythm.

other markers of circadian rhythm…
reference CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED 1 Inhibits Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis - PMC;year=2012;volume=6;issue=11;spage=6;epage=15;aulast=Ajay;type=3
@Vedikaa @madhavkaul @Vidyut @Vandana @Arunan


Do Bacteria sleep? They too are living beings!!! :roll_eyes:

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There are species that, for good reasons, have their bodies and brains sleep in sections, ie, not all at once. Even complex brains may be set to sleep in parts.

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Plants sleep at night, when photosynthesis ceases to take place and respiration alone continues.

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Is it true of all plants? I ask, because the topic in this thread is actually the question, do plants sleep? A plain assertion cannot be the answer.

The assertion is “plants sleep at night…”, and this demands clear definition of ‘plants’, ‘sleep’ and clarity on whether ‘night’ is the only period during which [all] plants sleep.


I don’t know about all plants. But there are some more information:

Sunlight is a key trigger for humans to know what time to sleep and when to be awake. And the same is true of plants. While light and dark tell your body when to produce the hormone melatonin, which cues your body to feel sleepy, light and dark triggers tell plants when to produce the hormone auxin, which controls growth and development.

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What if there is no sunlight at all? Like in the case of a cloudy day
Then too, we humans will not feel sleepy?

What must be happening in space then? :thinking:


Sorry I don’t know about it.

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Where did you find this information from?

We should find out about it on Google then!
At the end of the day, that is the sole thing we can approach to, apart from books!


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