Turtle (First Educational Robot)

Turtle Drawing Bot

Turtles are class of educational robots and are closely associated with the work of Seymour Papert and the common use of logo programming language of computer education in 1980s. It often comes with a pen mechanism allowing programmers to create design on a large sheet of paper.

[center]image [/center]
[center]Source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_(robot)[/center]

Philosphical Background of Turtle (Robots)

  • This Educational Robot is introduced by Seymour Papert having concept of turtles in mind.

  • He also invented a programming language LOGO for young children. They can control the turtle robot from the computer by writing a logo code using simple commands.

  • He found these commands engage students into the thinking about complex mathematical ideas.

He called the turtle an “Object to Think With”. To create drawings one has to explore and manipulate geometric concepts.

  • A company known as “Valiant”, manufactured and sold “The Valiants Turtle Robots” from 1983 to 2011.




Making a turtle robo that follows logo commnands can be a challenge too!


Challenge is ready for it to be accepted.